Sunday, July 26, 2009

High Dynamic Range

Thanks to Jon at J.W.Lee Photography for his great HDR tutorial. It was simple and easy to follow. I decided to try my hand at some pseudo HDR and this is how it turned out.

Original RAW shot, straight out of the camera... good composition, but yuck overall xD

The HDR Image Curve/Levels/Saturation slightly adjusted.

The final product :)


  1. Thank you Jon!

    Thanks again for the awesome tutorial!

  2. Awesome. I kinda like the second one a bit more just because I tend to always be 'realistic' when it comes to my own art.

    I do love the final product though. Very edgy, eye catching, and unexpected. Gibs me idearzzuhhzuhh.

  3. how nice.

    yes my dad forgot to cover everything. yes my car is fucked. and no i do not know anything about technology and therefore am useless (i wouldnt know how to reformat it) POO
